Its been a busy few weeks but not actually paddling much. The start of season has seen a fantastic Saint Patricks day parade and a flurry of activity to get the boats and gear into shape for the fun ahead in 2018.
We have always ran as a self funded club and have never receieved any funding or grants before but they say good luck comes in threes.
We have been gifted 3 sets of € 100 from Blueway ireland for competing last year, € 100 for winning St Patricks day best sports club and the local Baltinglass charity shop has also kindly presented us with a cheque.
Our first action is to pay for two boats that have been kindly lent to us over the winter, hopefully as the season builds the funds will too and we can replace some of the gear we have.
Dont forget we have 2 new to us windsurf boards this year, on top of our 5 SUP's, 14 kayaks & trailer. Not too shabby for a club in its 6th year :-)